Date: Tue, 9 Aug 94 15:43:17 PDT From: Info-Hams Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Info-Hams-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Info-Hams Digest V94 #891 To: Info-Hams Info-Hams Digest Tue, 9 Aug 94 Volume 94 : Issue 891 Today's Topics: ARLP032 Propagation de KT7H Car warrantee and 2m radio Charging gel cells Crossband repeating rigs & auto IDers Daily Summary of Solar Geophysical Activity for 26 July HT at Washington DC Sites? Interference to X-10 home automation? MFJ 20-m SSB rig? Need ARRL Info Which code learning method? Why? Yaesu ft530 vco tune up Youthnet NEWS Announcement 8/8/94 Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Info-Hams Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/info-hams". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 8 Aug 1994 07:04:22 MDT From: agate!!!!!!!!!!gatech! Subject: ARLP032 Propagation de KT7H To: SB PROP @ ARL $ARLP032 ARLP032 Propagation de KT7H ZCZC AP46 QST de W1AW Propagation Forecast Bulletin 32 ARLP032 >From Tad Cook, KT7H Seattle, WA August 6, 1994 To all radio amateurs SB PROP ARL ARLP032 ARLP032 Propagation de KT7H This is a correction to ARLP031. Some copies of the original went out without the last paragraph. Solar activity is quite low. Over every day last week the flux values were lower than the average for the previous ninety days, and both the flux and sunspot numbers were slightly lower than the preceding week. This does not look good for HF propagation in general, and the higher bands in particular. At least geomagnetic indices have been quiet and in the single digits. The only unsettled day last week was July 28, when the A index went to 17 and the K index briefly to four. Activity should pick up a bit this week, with the flux expected to stay around 80 until the middle of the month. There may be some slightly active periods around August 12 and 19. Flux values should drop back to around 75 by August 20, and remain there through the beginning of September. Sunspot Numbers from July 28 through August 3 were 25, 11, 25, 14, 33, 24 and 19, with a mean of 21.6. 10.7 cm flux was 74.8, 75.7, 75.3, 75, 74, 75 and 76, with a mean of 75.1. The path projection for this week is from Phoenix, Arizona to the Marshall Islands. 80 meters looks good from 0630z to 1330z, and 40 meters from 0530z to 1400z. Check 30 meters from 0430z to 1500z, and 20 meters around 1830z to 1930z and again from 0200z to 0900z, peaking around 0600z to 0830z. Another 20 meter opening is probable around 1330z to 1445z. 17 meters looks good from 1830z to 0600z, and 15 meters looks good on most days from 2200z to 0230z. 10 and 12 meters do not look promising over this path at this time. NNNN /EX ------------------------------ Date: 8 Aug 1994 17:49:42 GMT From:!agate!!gatech!!!!!!! Subject: Car warrantee and 2m radio To: In article <> (Andy Domonkos) writes: >In article , Val Breault wrote: >> >> What did the dealer tell you that was different? Of course you should >> realize that the dealers are independent businessmen that may not choose >> to keep informed about all the various details of the business. If >> a decent sale was contingent upon getting that information I'm sure >> ANY dealer would find it. THEN they'd know about it for the next >> customer that asks. > >The dealer looked at my trade-in w/all the antennas (HF, VHF) and told >me I wan't planning to to the same on the new car. I said I sure was! >He informed me that the warranty would be voided. He went as far as wanting >to put in writing on the sales contract if I installed the gear it would >void all electrical system warranties! He couldn't show me the GM policy >on demand! I told him the hell w/your car and my wife and I left! >What an attitude! I'll blame it on the butt-head business mentality >in this country these days... When I bought my Ford Ranger two years ago, we were on the verge of signing the contract when I inquired about installing a mobile rig and how it would affect the warranty. The salesman turned white as a ghost and wanted know if it would affect the deal. I told him it most certainly would. Upon checking, I found a warning in the owners guide about operating more than 5 watts inside of the cab no mention of warranty voidance. I went ahead and bought the truck. The only thing I notice is that it slows down slightly when I'm running with cruise control and I transmit on 440 at high power (35 watts). 73 de KC6HUR Randy ------------------------------ Date: 8 Aug 1994 19:53:32 GMT From:!rain! Subject: Charging gel cells To: I am looking for some info on charging gel cells. At what point should you recharge the cell (drop to what voltage), and how do you tell when the cell is fully charged? I put my cell on the charger when it dropped to 11.6V, and monitored the voltage while charging. The cell came back up to 13V fairly quickly, and after 2-3 hours the charge current was down to about 70 mA. Since I was going to bed, I disconnected the charger rather than leaving it on all night. Is there a voltage or current threshold for determining when the battery is fully charged? The cell has a 7Ah rating. -- Mark D. Conner - N9XTN Opinions expressed here are Dept. of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences not necessarily those of the Purdue Univ., W. Lafayette IN 47907 Government, DoD, Purdue, or the author. ------------------------------ Date: 9 Aug 1994 15:23:55 GMT From:!!!agate!!!convex!!! Subject: Crossband repeating rigs & auto IDers To: This weekend during a search & rescue exercise we were using 2m simplex for base-to-team communications, and had some problems with teams behind hills and in low spots. Next time we'd like to set up a mobile crossband repeater at a high spot, but there's been lots of talk lately about the legality of using crossband repeating rigs that don't ID themselves. Someone mentioned that some of the new dual-band rigs had auto ID features on them, but I haven't noticed any mention of this in any advertising I've seen. Which, if any, rigs now have this feature? And what's the price range on these rigs? -joe KD4LLV -- "When personal freedom's being abused, | "In Canada we have something called you have to move to limit it." | multiculturalism - you will find the | whole spectrum of races living in - U.S. President Bill Clinton, 1994 | Toronto's slums." -A Canadian ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 8 Aug 1994 13:58:38 MDT From: agate!!!!!!!!!swrinde!gatech! Subject: Daily Summary of Solar Geophysical Activity for 26 July To: /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ DAILY SUMMARY OF SOLAR GEOPHYSICAL ACTIVITY 26 JULY, 1994 /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ (Based In-Part On SESC Observational Data) SOLAR AND GEOPHYSICAL ACTIVITY INDICES FOR 26 JULY, 1994 -------------------------------------------------------- !!BEGIN!! (1.0) S.T.D. Solar Geophysical Data Broadcast for DAY 207, 07/26/94 10.7 FLUX=074.0 90-AVG=079 SSN=022 BKI=2212 1112 BAI=005 BGND-XRAY=A1.9 FLU1=5.4E+05 FLU10=1.4E+04 PKI=1212 1223 PAI=006 BOU-DEV=012,010,007,010,006,006,006,010 DEV-AVG=008 NT SWF=00:000 XRAY-MAX= A5.8 @ 1728UT XRAY-MIN= A1.2 @ 2141UT XRAY-AVG= A2.7 NEUTN-MAX= +003% @ 0010UT NEUTN-MIN= -002% @ 2135UT NEUTN-AVG= +0.3% PCA-MAX= +0.2DB @ 1510UT PCA-MIN= -0.1DB @ 1550UT PCA-AVG= +0.0DB BOUTF-MAX=55252NT @ 2356UT BOUTF-MIN=55214NT @ 1856UT BOUTF-AVG=55237NT GOES7-MAX=P:+000NT@ 0000UT GOES7-MIN=N:+000NT@ 0000UT G7-AVG=+075,+000,+000 GOES6-MAX=P:+130NT@ 1949UT GOES6-MIN=N:-032NT@ 0021UT G6-AVG=+104,+028,-009 FLUXFCST=STD:075,075,078;SESC:075,075,078 BAI/PAI-FCST=010,010,010/010,010,010 KFCST=2233 1222 2233 1222 27DAY-AP=021,017 27DAY-KP=4543 3344 3444 3333 WARNINGS= ALERTS= !!END-DATA!! NOTE: The Effective Sunspot Number for 25 JUL 94 was 28.0. The Full Kp Indices for 25 JUL 94 are: 3o 2+ 2o 2o 3- 2o 2- 3- The 3-Hr Ap Indices for 25 JUL 94 are: 15 10 9 9 13 8 7 13 Greater than 2 MeV Electron Fluence for 26 JUL is: 1.0E+07 SYNOPSIS OF ACTIVITY -------------------- Solar activity was very low. Solar activity forecast: solar activity is expected to be very low. The geomagnetic field has been at mostly quiet levels for the past 24 hours. Geophysical activity forecast: the geomagnetic field is expected to be quiet to unsettled. Event probabilities 27 jul-29 jul Class M 01/01/01 Class X 01/01/01 Proton 01/01/01 PCAF Green Geomagnetic activity probabilities 27 jul-29 jul A. Middle Latitudes Active 15/15/15 Minor Storm 10/10/10 Major-Severe Storm 05/05/05 B. High Latitudes Active 20/20/20 Minor Storm 10/10/10 Major-Severe Storm 05/05/05 Normal HF propagation conditions existed over all regions today. No changes are forecast for the next 72 hours. Normal to possibly slightly above-normal propagation will continue. COPIES OF JOINT USAF/NOAA SESC SOLAR GEOPHYSICAL REPORTS ======================================================== REGIONS WITH SUNSPOTS. LOCATIONS VALID AT 26/2400Z JULY ------------------------------------------------------- NMBR LOCATION LO AREA Z LL NN MAG TYPE 7757 N12W59 333 0130 HSX 02 001 ALPHA 7758 S14W41 315 0000 AXX 01 001 ALPHA 7756 S12W84 358 PLAGE REGIONS DUE TO RETURN 27 JULY TO 29 JULY NMBR LAT LO 7749 S09 161 7750 S16 167 7746 N11 157 LISTING OF SOLAR ENERGETIC EVENTS FOR 26 JULY, 1994 --------------------------------------------------- BEGIN MAX END RGN LOC XRAY OP 245MHZ 10CM SWEEP NONE POSSIBLE CORONAL MASS EJECTION EVENTS FOR 26 JULY, 1994 ------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN MAX END LOCATION TYPE SIZE DUR II IV NO EVENTS OBSERVED INFERRED CORONAL HOLES. LOCATIONS VALID AT 26/2400Z --------------------------------------------------- ISOLATED HOLES AND POLAR EXTENSIONS EAST SOUTH WEST NORTH CAR TYPE POL AREA OBSN NO DATA AVAILABLE FOR ANALYSIS SUMMARY OF FLARE EVENTS FOR THE PREVIOUS UTC DAY ------------------------------------------------ Date Begin Max End Xray Op Region Locn 2695 MHz 8800 MHz 15.4 GHz ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- -- ------ ------ --------- --------- --------- NO EVENTS OBSERVED. REGION FLARE STATISTICS FOR THE PREVIOUS UTC DAY ------------------------------------------------ C M X S 1 2 3 4 Total (%) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- ------ Uncorrellated: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 ( 0.0) Total Events: 000 optical and x-ray. EVENTS WITH SWEEPS AND/OR OPTICAL PHENOMENA FOR THE LAST UTC DAY ---------------------------------------------------------------- Date Begin Max End Xray Op Region Locn Sweeps/Optical Observations ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- -- ------ ------ --------------------------- NO EVENTS OBSERVED. NOTES: All times are in Universal Time (UT). Characters preceding begin, max, and end times are defined as: B = Before, U = Uncertain, A = After. All times associated with x-ray flares (ex. flares which produce associated x-ray bursts) refer to the begin, max, and end times of the x-rays. Flares which are not associated with x-ray signatures use the optical observations to determine the begin, max, and end times. Acronyms used to identify sweeps and optical phenomena include: II = Type II Sweep Frequency Event III = Type III Sweep IV = Type IV Sweep V = Type V Sweep Continuum = Continuum Radio Event Loop = Loop Prominence System, Spray = Limb Spray, Surge = Bright Limb Surge, EPL = Eruptive Prominence on the Limb. ** End of Daily Report ** ------------------------------ Date: 7 Aug 1994 04:33:34 GMT From:! Subject: HT at Washington DC Sites? To: I will be going to Washington, D.C. and will be touring the usual sites. We have tickets to the State Dept., the Kennedy Center, the Mint and the Capitol. My concern is that these sites will frown on someone walking in with a 2 meter HT on his hip. The state department wants a photo ID and for all I know, they may want to seach us. Am I better off not trying to go into these places with the HT? BTW, can someone recommend some 2 meter repeaters in the D.C. area? Thanks. >David, N1QGK< -- David R. Gagnon, MD MPH Boston University School of Public Health (617) 638-4457 [voice] Boston, Massachusetts (617) 638-4458 [fax] "ecrasez l'infamie" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 6 Aug 1994 14:33:05 GMT From: agate!!gatech!wa4mei!ke4zv! Subject: Interference to X-10 home automation? To: In article <31tmrh$> (E. Winnie) writes: > I've been using the x-10 system for a bit more then 10 years now. I >have noticed no problems on any band I work (80m - 432 Mhz). Since this >includes weak signal work on the vhf/uhf I have to conclude that there is >no problems at these frequencys Perhaps they generate no problems for reception, but they are certainly sensitive to RF. A friend has X-10 lights that can be turned on and off by a nearby amateur transmitter. Gary -- Gary Coffman KE4ZV | You make it, | gatech!wa4mei!ke4zv!gary Destructive Testing Systems | we break it. | uunet!rsiatl!ke4zv!gary 534 Shannon Way | Guaranteed! | emory!kd4nc!ke4zv!gary Lawrenceville, GA 30244 | | ------------------------------ Date: 8 Aug 94 11:59:58 GMT From:!!!psuvax1!!!!!convex!!duke! Subject: MFJ 20-m SSB rig? To: I'm tempted by the 20-meter QRP SSB rig that MFJ has been advertising for a few months. But I'd like to know more about it before I get *too* interested, including talking to someone who owns one. Does anybody on this area own/use one? Replies here would be best, but could also be sent to Tnx & 73! Ken, AC4RD, in Raleigh, NC ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 8 Aug 1994 20:29:32 +0000 From:!agate!!!swrinde!pipex!demon!! Subject: Need ARRL Info To: In article <> "Daniel Meredith" writes: > > I am looking for an e-mail address to the ARRL for information > inquiries.. ARRL Email Information Server: [This is an automated service using a fixed file format, and apparently won't respond to written requests.] Written requests to: -- Michael J Dower 'Quoth the raven, "Never more".' ... Poe ------------------------------ Date: 9 Aug 1994 15:00:16 GMT From:!!agate!!swrinde!! Subject: Which code learning method? Why? To: I took my Technician written tests Saturday (passed--yay!), but seeing all those guys with their tricky gear made me say to myself, "Dave, if you want to play with the big boys, you'll have to *act* like a big boy!" And so I've decided to go ahead and learn code. I have the diskette I got from ARRL with Morse Tutor on it, so I broke it out this weekend and fired it up. I selected the Farnsworth option, initially with character speed set to 13 and word speed set to 6. My reasoning was, that I'd start with an initial speed significantly greater than that required for the 5 wpm test, and just see how it went--I could always drop back to a slower speed if I was getting bogged down. I'd worked through about three of the lessons, and I didn't think I was having much difficulty, so I decided to see how much easier a slower speed might be. When I changed speed to 6/6, everything sounded like gibberish, and I couldn't keep up at all. What's going on here? When I changed back to 6/13, all was well once again. My theory is that the faster character speed is giving me more dead air time between characters to figure out the character, and that dead time is absent when the word and character speeds are equal--what do you all think? Anyway, here are my questions: should I continue with Farnsworth method? If so, what are the recommended speeds for initial learning? Is there any difference between 5 wpm "standard" and Farnsworth set to 5/5? And finally, if there *is* a difference, when I take the 5 wpm test, will that be the same sound as the "standard" or Farnsworth 5 wpm offered by the Morse Tutor program? Oh, and one last thing: are there better PC Morse learning programs than Morse Tutor? If so, can you give me titles and possible sources? Thanks for your help and advice. I really want ot learn code, but like everyone else, I want to make the process as painless as possible. David F. Jenkins Decision and Information Sciences Room 280-A MH University of Houston 713/743-4725 ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Aug 94 10:27:13 GMT From:!!!!!!!!!uum1! Subject: Yaesu ft530 vco tune up To: In article <31qstf$>, (Jerry B Altzman) writes: |> |> You mean, it doesn't cover the entire 438-450 MHz band as advertised? Or you |> want it to transmit out-of-band, illegally (CAP doesn't work on UHF yet, |> don't know about MARS)? |> Ryan said nothing about wanting to transmit out of band. The US 70cm band allocation runs from 420-450 MHz, not 438-450. -- 73 Chris Cox W0/G4JEC NIC Handle: CC345 Twin Cities Metro Area Network node ( Eleventh Hour Contest Group ; Minneapolis, MN EN34jv **** And lest they forget: **** Packet radio fiends really enjoy playing with their bits & PC's... ------------------------------ Date: 8 Aug 1994 17:58:01 -0400 From: agate!!!!!!!!!swrinde!gatech!! Subject: Youthnet NEWS Announcement 8/8/94 To: Youthnet NEWS Announcement Alexis Leynes N9KYJ E-mail: BBS: N9KYJ@W9ZMR.IL.USA.NOAM IMPORTANT SURVEY FOR THE YOUNG HAM! This is a very important survey, if you would want to send an opinion to me about Youthnet NEWS or anything else, please do so via my Packet address or my Internet E-mail addresses. Please include in your reply; your age, and a way to contact you for more information. There is no age limit for this survey, and all messages will be returned with a reply. Here are the questions: 1. What made you interested in Ham Radio? 2. Why do young people want to be hams? 3. Are you more interested in building radio equipment or using them? 4. Are their ham clubs for young hams? 5. What would young hams want to see more in ham radio? 6. Do you think, as a young ham, that you are well represented in ham clubs, the FCC, ARRL, ect..? 7. What do you talk about with the adults on the air? 8. Is the testing requirements easier or harder for you? What do you want to see in these tests? 9. How do you think ham radio is helping you in everyday life? 10. If you have parents who are not in the hobby, are they supportive? 11. What aspect of ham radio are you interested in (voice, FM, AM, SSB, HF, VHF, UHF, ATV, Packet, Fax, DX, Contest, Special Events, biking/hiking ect...)? If you happen to know of a young ham in your area and reading this message yourself, please copy down the questions and ask him or her to answer it. Thank you very much for all of your support. Final Note: Edition 007 delay Due to technical difficulties, Youthnet NEWS edition 007 will not be sent this week. If you have any interesting stories about Fox hunting (for example: first time hunting, or an interesting hunt), send me your stories to my E-mail addresses or Packet address and I'll include it in edition 007 all due on Sunday, August 7, 1994. By the way, I hope to see you at the International Packet Youth Forum (send me a message for more details) Mondays at 0100 UTC on AMPRNet channel 14. The International Packet Youth Forum (IPYF) is a place where young hams meet and just talk (or type) from all over the world (this is an equal opportunity net). 73's DE Alex N9KYJ E-mail: Packet: N9KYJ@W9ZMR.IL.USA.NOAM 73's DE Alex N9KYJ All Rights are Reserved 1994. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 9 Aug 1994 16:56:54 GMT From:!gvls1! To: References , <>, <3287n8$dk7@cat.cis.Brown.EDU> Subject : Re: Car warrantee and 2m radio In article <3287n8$dk7@cat.cis.Brown.EDU> (Michael P. Deignan) writes: >In article <>, > (Gary Coffman) writes: > >|> Toyota puts it in writing at the time of >|> the sale that the vehicle warrantee is void if you put two way radio >|> equipment in it. You agreed to that when the sales contract was signed, >|> whether you read the fine print in the warrantee book or not. Ignorance >|> is no excuse under the law. Toyota ECC systems are *not* RFI proofed >|> against high power VHF signals, and *can* blow up if one is present >|> in the cabin with the ECC. And the thing *does* cost $1200 over the >|> parts counter. (That's robbery, of course, but your only alternative >|> is the junk yard.) > >Two points: > >1. Since a cellular phone is a two-way radio, I guess people >who own Toyotas cannot have cell phones in their cars either? Simple, I bet you that the Toyota people don't classify a cellular phone as a 2-way radio. That I would love to see. Go buy your new Toyota, put your portable cellular phone on the front seat and then blow out the computer the first time you make a phone call. Toyota would never hear the end of it. ================================================================= Pete Rossi - WA3NNA rossi@vfl.paramax.COM Unisys Corporation - Government Systems Group Valley Forge Engineering Center - Paoli, Pennsylvania ================================================================= ------------------------------ Date: 9 Aug 1994 13:28:11 -0400 From:!access3! To: References , <>, <3287n8$dk7@cat.cis.Brown.EDU> Subject : Re: Car warrantee and 2m radio (Michael P. Deignan) writes: >In article <>, > (Gary Coffman) writes: >Two points: >1. Since a cellular phone is a two-way radio, I guess people >who own Toyotas cannot have cell phones in their cars either? Cell phone electronics are either: a) hand held, very low power or B) installed, preferably by the dealer, with the electronics in the trunk, away from the ECUs in the engine and passenger compartments. >2. What happens to the poor ham operator who carries an HT with him, >doesn't use it, but accidently parks next to my car and I key up with >1500 watts? Then there is no problem on the ht owner's part. There are no electronics Installed in the car. So if your 1500w blows his engine he could go to the dealer and have the service department deal. >MD >-- Just my 2 bits on this. Especially since I plan on installing 2 way boxes in my next car. JeffP ------------------------------ Date: 4 Aug 94 02:00:05 GMT From:!!!psgrain!!torn!!!geac!herboid!cattnts!ncrcan!coutts! To: References , <>, <31e32p$>b Subject : Re: Computer radio - SoftWave by ComFocus - any good? In article <31e32p$> (Steven Jackson) writes: :In article <>, Henry Wertz writes: :|> I'd guess getting an ICOM or something is better... I can't get much of :|> anything on SW with my computer on, so getting a completely computer-dependant :|> radio might not be a good idea 8-) : :I was thinking the same thing, but it seems the receiver :is separated from the processing. If the receiver and :processor are far enough apart, and the transfer method :is not succeptible to RFI, I would think it would work :out fine. [...] :Steven Jackson, Assistant to the Chair of Computer Science :Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University :251 Mercer Street, NY NY 10012,, I had a LOT of RFI from my [originally] XT. After the powersupply went, it was replaced, and now the problem is virtually non-existant! That's now the first thing I check for. I have noticed that now, my problems only occur in the upper HF bands (& of course VHF). I would say everything below 15m is virtually unaffected by my PC beside it. However, there might be the odd "birdie" unaccounted for! -------------------- Warren W. Gay VE3WWG John Coutts Library Services Limited wwg@coutts.UUCP Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada (or, ------------------------------ End of Info-Hams Digest V94 #891 ******************************